Champions of Change

Little Deeds.

Huge Impact

As a non-profit, we rely on your support to further our goals of helping others give back to the community. Being a supporter of Champions of Change, you understand the impact of serving others, and we appreciate your assistance.


Meet the Change Agents

Champions of Change was established by brothers Jeremiah West, 12, and Joshua West, 9, young social entrepreneurs with a mission to empower youth of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds to serve as “Change Agents” who look for opportunities to make an immediate and lasting impact within their communities.

As a non-profit, we rely on your support to further our goals of helping others give back to the community.

Being a supporter of Champions of Change, you understand the impact of serving others, and we appreciate your assistance.

Little Deeds. Huge Impact

Contribute to Champions of Change and help create change agents today.

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